Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Mods at Brighton 1981

We have a few pages from my scrape book from August 1981, about 300 of us turned up at Brighton on the August bank holiday on our scooters and the rest is history!


POLICE handed out a six-hour sentance to rampaging Mods who threatened a Bank Holiday weekend riot in Brighton.

More then 300 were ordered to lie face down on the lawns at Black Rock after a firebomb battle on the seafront wrecked the Volks Railway Station.

Police took away their shoes, jackets and motor scooter crash helmets and made them lie face down on the grass in three rows 100 yards long.

Then more then 80 policemen surrounded the deflated youths, who were told by a senior officer: "No one is to move or talk. You might as well go to sleep."

Fifty people were arrested over the weekend in the Brighton area, but police said only about 23 were connected with the gang troubles. A spokesman said the remainder were "routine offences we get every weekend.

At the same time groups of Scooter-riders were escorted to the edge of town and told to keep travelling north.

So peace returned to Brighton - though some Mods and Skinheads stayed behind, to appear in Court.


Police Sergeant John Ainsley told magistrates: "There was a serious out-break of violence and dis-order almost amounting to a riot.

"They started by stoning police cars and other cars and they threw petrol bombs at the seafront miniature railway station."

An 18 year old Skinhead was fined £500 for carrying an offensive weapon - a 3ft wooden fence-post with nails - while lying in wait for Mods.

It was said that a group of Mod scooterists being escorted to the boundary "were reluctant to go any further, saying there was a gang of Skinheads waiting for them." The 18 year old was one of a group questioned by police.

A mod of 18, fined £250 for threating behaviour, was told by court chairman Mr Ray Long: "If you behave like animals you must expect to be herded like animals."

Others facing charges were remanded on bail.

Southend saw Skinheads and Mods clashing on the promenade. Police said: "We moved in quickly" - and 15 youths were arrested.

Isle of Wight invaded by 500 scooterists, had nine cases in court.

Great Yarmouth 5 arrested.

Paignton. Mods on Scooters blocking a main road were broken up.

Monday, 29 December 2008

Eastbourne Mod's 1980

Here are a few pictures from my album from 1980 with some of the Eastbourne Mods. If you have any pictures from the 80's in regard to Eastbourne and the Mod scene please e-mail them to me at glennkhan@aol.com so I can post them on this blog. Thanks Glenn

The White Vespa is a Rally 180 that I purchased from an old guy in Brighton for £150!